Class TouchSensor

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class TouchSensor
extends Group
implements DeviceObserver

TouchSensor Node Class. Rules for Activation: -- A TouchSensor that has no children will activate if the selected geometry is any descendent of the TouchSensor's parent node. -- A TouchSensor that has children will activate only if the selected geometry is a descendent of the TouchSensor itself. -- If more than one TouchSensor fit the above criteria, then the TouchSensor that is lowest in the hierarchy will activate. -- If more than one TouchSensor that are siblings fit the above criteria, then the TouchSensor that was created first will activate. (When reading a scene from file, TouchSensors are created in the order in which they are listed in the file.)

Field Summary
 BooleanField enabled
 FloatArrayField hitNormal
 FloatArrayField hitPoint
 BooleanField isActive
 BooleanField isOver
 DoubleField touchTime
Fields inherited from class shout3d.core.Group
children, defaultChildArray, hidden
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a default TouchSensor
TouchSensor(Shout3DViewer theViewer)
          Constructor that takes a viewer as input.
Method Summary
 boolean onDeviceInput(DeviceInput di, java.lang.Object userData)
          Called by the DeviceListener every time a device input comes in.
 void setViewer(Shout3DViewer theViewer)
          Override setViewer to get a picker from it and start observing devices
Methods inherited from class shout3d.core.Group
addChildren, getCameraBBoxMax, getCameraBBoxMin, getInverseMatrix, getLocalBBoxMax, getLocalBBoxMin, getMatrix, getWorldBBoxMax, getWorldBBoxMin, removeChildren
Methods inherited from class shout3d.core.Node
cleanUp, getDEFName, getField, getFieldByIndex, getFieldName, getNumFields, getTypeName, getViewer, isOfType, setDEFName
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public final BooleanField enabled


public final FloatArrayField hitPoint


public final FloatArrayField hitNormal


public final BooleanField isOver


public final BooleanField isActive


public final DoubleField touchTime
Constructor Detail


public TouchSensor()
Constructs a default TouchSensor


public TouchSensor(Shout3DViewer theViewer)
Constructor that takes a viewer as input.
Method Detail


public void setViewer(Shout3DViewer theViewer)
Override setViewer to get a picker from it and start observing devices
setViewer in class Node


public boolean onDeviceInput(DeviceInput di,
                             java.lang.Object userData)
Called by the DeviceListener every time a device input comes in. Watches the cursor, changes it to a hand when mouse is over the TouchSensor. When the mouse is pressed over this TouchSensor, calls activate.
Specified by:
onDeviceInput in interface DeviceObserver
x - the x position of the mouse down event
y - the y position of the mouse down event